The Britcham Training Series will be delivered in central business locations in Guangzhou by qualified and experienced corporate trainers from accredited organisations. The training courses aim to keep our members informed and inspired.

  • Industry Pulse - Mar 2021


  • Dec 3: Theta Health: Maximize Health in the Workplace

    Business leaders stay smart and act early to the business environmental changes of the world. One important thing is preparing the employees to reduce the health risk in order to stay productive, or leading the company to survive from virus outbreak, This class will take leading scientific knowledge on health and bring it down to an understandable action plan so that everyone in the company can benefit from the stable health state.You will learn: -How to maintain a stable energy level in differe

  • Oct 14/21/28: Effective Business Writing 商务英语写作 - Online

    Business Writing in English has been identified as one of the greatest skills shortfalls in China, with a huge impact on company reputation and continued business. However, many companies in south China continue to neglect staff training in this vital area. This half-day workshop focuses on the skills needed to make your emails clear and concise, efficient and meaningful.

  • Nov 11: Inspiring a Growth Mindset at Work

    Overview: By the end of this one-day training, participants will be able assess to their own mindset and better direct their journey to adopt a growth a mindset at work. This practical workshop will include tools and methods focused on transforming personal mindsets, influencing team members to find a Growth perspective and contributing to a team culture that values growth and perseverance.In this workshop we will use models of Growth Mindset and Grit popularized by Dr. Carol Dweck and Dr. Angela

  • Jan 13 & 20: Influencing with Stories

    This workshop will benefit professionals looking to compelling influence and communicate ideas to teammates, clients or other stakeholders.

  • Improving Collaboration with DiSC

    By the end of this one-day training, participants will be able to improve collaboration by recognising and appreciating their core behavioural traits and those of their stakeholders.

    In this workshop we will use Everything DiSC’s four Behavioural Styles — Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness — to analyse people’s priorities, motivators, stressors and limitations. Participants will gain an understanding of the four styles and look at best practices for leveraging each style to improve collaboration.

    To create an engaging training and increase the learning transfer to the participants’ work this workshop will include interactive activities and skills practise.

  • Excel在职场中的高效应用

    课程简介本课程将会给您讲解Excel新版本新功能和数据处理技巧。通过企业实战案例来掌握Excel新增的切片器、增强的图标集和数据条功能、筛选中的搜索功能、 表格中的新功能和数据处理技巧、公式及函数、数据管理及透视表等技术。对于个人而言,成为Excel高手不仅能够实现工作效率的提升,更重要的是助力您个人的职业发展,提升您永久职业竞争力。培训目标1. 掌握 Excel 新功能和 Excel 操作技巧、工作表美化2. 熟练数据分析、可视化、函数、数据透视表等使用技巧授课对象本课程适用于有一定基础的,企事业单位市场销售、行政办公人员、人力资


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