UK Doorknock 2023
  • BritChams UK Door-knock 2023 Day 5: Meeting with the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office China team

    On the concluding day of our doorknock week, the Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) China team organised an in-depth discussion with the chamber, delving into subjects that hold significant relevance to their area of focus. These topics encompassed policies pertaining to education, data security, and supply chains. Throughout this productive session, we consistently advocated for heightened engagement between China and the UK, aiming to foster confidence-building and the restoratio

  • BritChams UK Door-knock 2023 Day 4: Meeting with Great Britain-China Council & Institute of Directors China Group

    During our fourth day of the UK doorknock, the Chamber had a highly productive meeting with the Great Britain-China Council (GBCC), a London-based think tank that supports UK-China relations under the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. Our discussion revolved around the crucial task of building China capabilities in the UK to effectively engage with China. We also explored ways in which China can provide clarity and transparency regarding the parameters within which businesses operate

  • BritChams UK Door-knock 2023 Day 3: Meeting with CCCUK & London-based DBT

    This Wednesday marked the beginning of our week-long doorknock journey, during which the British Chamber participated in a business roundtable with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in the UK (CCCUK). We were extremely honored to have the presence of many key Chinese businesses in the UK, including Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Air China, Minmetals, and many others in attendance.中国英国商会为期一周的伦敦之行在本周三以与英国中国商会(CCCUK)的商业圆桌讨论会开始。我们非常荣幸在会议中见到了

  • BritChams UK Door-knock 2023 Day 2: Meet with CBBC, BCC, CSRI & Jenny Bates at FCDO

    On Tuesday, we embarked on the second day of our Doorknock trip in London. In the morning, we had the pleasure of being joined by Andrew Seaton and Sir Sherard at the China Britain Business Council (CBBC). Together, we engaged in fruitful discussions about British business sentiment and confidence in the China market. We also explored the current climate and narrative surrounding China in the UK. As membership organisations dedicated to supporting UK businesses and promoting trade and investment

  • BritChams UK Door-knock 2023 Day 1: BritCham Meets with Lord Johnson and HE Ambassador Zheng Zeguang

    Against the backdrop of the Chamber's 5th Position Paper, the British Chamber of Commerce in China embarked on a week-long Doorknock trip in London this Monday, marking our second trip since 2019. The delegation consisted of 11 Chamber representatives from BritCham China, Southwest, and Guangdong, along with senior business leaders from the respective regions. Our vice Chairman Mark Clayton, and the Executive Manager Chris Chen joined the delegation on behalf of the members of BritCham GD.随


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