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BritChams UK Door-knock 2023 Day 5: Meeting with the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office China team

On the concluding day of our doorknock week, the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) China team organised an in-depth discussion with the chamber, delving into subjects that hold significant relevance to their area of focus. These topics encompassed policies pertaining to education, data security, and supply chains. Throughout this productive session, we consistently advocated for heightened engagement between China and the UK, aiming to foster confidence-building and the restoration of trust. Our aspiration extends beyond the realm of boardrooms to the individual level, recognising the importance of fostering trust and understanding among all stakeholders. As travel gradually resumes, we eagerly anticipate a surge in people-to-people exchanges, welcoming an influx of businesspeople, students, and tourists who will enrich our understanding of UK-China relations through nuanced perspectives.

在伦敦之行的最后一天,中英商会与英国外交、联邦和发展事务部(FCDO)的中国部门举行了一次深入讨论,探讨了与双方所关注领域密切相关的议题。这些议题涵盖了教育政策、数据安全和供应链等方面。在这场富有成果的会议中,我们强调了加强中英之间合作交流、建立和恢复信任的重要性。这一愿景也扩展到了个人层面的信任建立 ——随着跨境旅行逐渐恢复,我们期待着两国间线下互动的增加,并欢迎商务人士、学生和游客的往来,他们将通过独到的观点进一步丰富两国对彼此的认知。

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