BritCham serves as a platform for our members to promote updates, events, promotion, etc. We have multiple channels on different platforms. If you are a corporate member and would like to release any news and updates, please kindly contact us via your membership services manager.

  • 星河产业三度蝉联“中国产业新城运营商综合实力TOP10”,位列第七 - Galaxy 星河控股


  • Tricor Acts! Work Together to Overcome Difficulties - Tricor 卓佳中国

    It’s been 4 months since the outbreak of Covid-19. The domestic pandemic has been controlled effectively, and the economic and social order has been gradually recovered. Tricor pays tribute to all healthcare workers, volunteers and people who have contributed to fighting against the virus.


    In response of the impact of COVID-19 and get the economy back on track, Chinese authorities at all levels of government have been rolling out a multitude of fiscal supporting policies to strengthen enterprises and ensure the resumption of businesses.

  • 探访深圳首间纯英式寄宿制国际学校:老师已返校 全校均复课 Explore Shenzhen First British Boarding School: Foreign Teachers are Back and the Whole School has Reopened! - Merchiston International School (MIS)深圳曼彻斯通城堡学校


  • Gecko Primary News 12th May 2020 - Shekou International School 深圳蛇口国际学校

    Dear Parents,Today's Covid-19 testing was a little more challenging than last week because of the age of our young learners. However, they were troopers and we thank parents for bringing them on time and helping throughout the process.We are excited to be bringing back the Grade 4 students tomorrow and our campus is gradually filling back up with the laughter of students!The new normal isn't all that bad. Although it is different, the learning certainly continues. Please view this short


    THE LANGHAM, SHENZHEN CELEBRATES THE FINER THINGS IN LIFE WITH THE “EXPERIENCE” CARDMedia ContactsYuky YuDirector of Marketing ServicesThe Langham, ShenzhenTel: (86) 755 8828 8062E-mail: yuky.yu@langhamhotels.comAlice WangAssistant PR ManagerThe Langham, ShenzhenTel: (86) 755 8828 9888 etx.8830Email:, May 2020) As a legacy to the signature European luxury hospitality offered by The Langham brand over the last 155 years, The Langham, Shenzhen has been

  • 首开区投资60亿元,星河(惠州)人工智能产业园奠基仪式圆满举办 - Galaxy 星河产业集团


  • 开学倒计时,我们准备好了,同学们,好久不见!| Guidelines for NAS Shenzhen students - NASShenzhen 深圳诺德安达

    在深圳诺德安达双语学校,我们将学生以及员工的安全,健康视为重中之重。深圳诺德安达双语学校为5月份的开学制定了一系列的开学准备,我们将最大程度严格按照教育局以及集团的制度来保障我们学生的健康以及安全。At NAS Shenzhen, we take the safety and health of students and employees as top priority. NAS Shenzhen has made a series of arrangements for reopening the school in May. We will strictly follow the instructions of the Education Bureau and the NAS Group to ensure the health and safety of the students.开

  • SIS CARES Community Information - Shekou International School 深圳蛇口国际学校

    SIS High School ReturnsIt has been a great week of reconnecting, reflecting and reviewing at our Bayside campus. Students were engaged with teachers and fellow students here and abroad. Welcome Back, Geckos!What is Blended Learning with Assistant Principals Nathan Lill and Craig Ortner1st Grade Celebrates Earth WeekOur first graders celebrated Earth Week in song from their homes all over the globe, under the guidance of their teachers, Mrs. Krebs and Ms. Kay. What started as a reading assignment

  • China Individual Income Tax Annual Filing - Tricor 卓佳中国

    In accordance with the new Individual Income Tax Law which took effect from 1 Jan 2019, the PRC tax resident is required to perform annual individual income tax filing (“IIT annual filing”) by 30th June 2020.Who Needs To Do Annual IIT Filing?The PRC staff dispatched to overseas with global incomeThe PRC high net worth individual has both local and overseas assetThe foreign staffs stay in China no less than 183 days within one financial yearThe individual has any tax short payment or overpaymen

  • 洲际酒店集团任命深圳国际会展中心皇冠假日酒店总经理郑来兴先生

    InterContinental Hotels Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Valentine Tnay as the General Manager of Crowne Plaza Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center洲际酒店集团任命郑来兴先生就任深圳国际会展中心皇冠假日酒店总经理一职,全面负责酒店的运营和管理工作。来自马来西亚的郑来兴先生拥有32年酒店从业经历,曾在洲际酒店集团和其他国际酒店集团担任管理层职位,其中在洲际酒店集团工作超18年,足迹遍布马来西亚、北京、上海、成都、烟台等多个国家及城市。郑来兴先生的酒店职业生涯始于财务部,后转

  • Airwallex空中云汇完成1.6亿美元D轮融资,加速全球业务多元化增长 - Airwallex 空中云汇

    金融科技独角兽企业Airwallex空中云汇今日宣布完成1.6亿美元D轮融资,这是公司自2015年成立以来规模最大的一轮融资,引入ANZi Ventures(澳新银行的战略投资机构)和Salesforce Ventures(Salesforce的全球投资部门)等一批全新的全球顶级战略投资者的参与。现有股东DST Global、腾讯、红杉资本中国基金、高瓴创投以及维港投资也参与了本轮融资。本轮之后,公司总融资额超过3.6亿美元。 本轮融资将加速Airwallex空中云汇全球数字化金融基础设施的搭建以及产品研发,帮助公司:1 拓展欧美市场和中东等新兴市场业务,加速全球业务增长2 发布

  • 大旗11岁啦!HiTouch Is 11 Years Old! - HiTouch Consulting 大旗咨询

    今天,我们11岁啦!HiTouch is 11 years old!2009年4月20日,那个潮热的春天,我们选择在广州扎根。2020年4月20日,还是潮热的春天,我们依然立足在广州。DearHiTouch friends,we are writing this newsletter to celebrate our11th anniversary. In the past 11 years, we are deeply grateful for all the support and sincere help, from all of our friends and associates.不同的是,我们的坚韧与不懈,让“大旗咨询”这个11岁的宝藏少年有了不一样的光芒。一步一脚印,我们由衷地感恩,每一个并肩前行的时刻。2020 is a tough year

  • 控风险稳外贸,渣打银行与寻汇联合推出“汇e达” - Sunrate Partners UK Limited 上海寻付商务咨询有限公司


  • 今天,大旗11岁啦!HiTouch Is 11 Years Old! - HiTouch 大旗



    Dear HiTouch friends, we are writing this newsletter to celebrate our 11th anniversary. In the past 11 years, we are deeply grateful for all the support and sincere help, from all of our friends and associates.



    2020 is a tough year for everyone, we are not able to physically see you and share this special day with you, my friends. Hope you are doing well and stay safe, we can't wait to meet you in person.

  • 控风险稳外贸,渣打银行与寻汇联合推出“汇e达” - Sunrate 寻付


  • Tricor Group Completes Acquisition of the Malaysian Operations of Axcelasia Inc., a SGX Listed Company - Tricor 卓佳中国

    Tricor Group (Tricor), Asia's leading business expansion specialist and leading provider of professional services, has completed the sale and purchase agreement to acquire the Malaysia operations of Axcelasia Inc. (the Transaction), an integrated professional services firm delivering Governance, Risk Compliance (GRC) solutions, corporate, business and tax services.Axcelasia Inc., (Axcelasia) a SGX listed company, has a staff of 100+ professionals and a 1,000+ client portfolio consisting of

  • Teacher Recruitment - UREC

    the Best teacers for the best schools! Providing Academic professionals Guangdong. Aligned with the recommendations of the International Task Force on Child Protection, UREC holds itself to a high standard of effective recruiting practices with specific attention to child protection. We request a clearance of criminal records and successful background check for all our staff. The teachers we are able to provide have experience at the highest level within the UK education system.


    We are thrilled to share the occasion with G Guests, Residents and the Community.我们非常高兴能与G公寓的嘉宾、住客和社区分享这一喜讯。

Office Tel: 

+86 181 2429 3491



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