Service Apartment 服务式公寓 - The Canton Residence 广粤公馆Known as home for international ambassadors, The Canton Residence, a premier service apartment brand of New World HK, locates at Central Park View, central CBD area of Zhujiang New Town, surrounded by the natural sightseeing and the Pearl River with a total area of 3,000-sqm city garden & international community with elegant outdoor restaurants and shops. With more than 200 spacious balcony equipped service apartments from 88sqm-1-bedroom to 835sqm-5-bedroom units, can also enjoy 8000-sqm private clubhouse with fully equipped facilities, forms a tranquil while modern lifestyle centre.
有着“国际大使官邸”美誉的广粤公馆位于广州珠江新城CBD核心东区凯旋新世界,北邻珠江公园,南瞰珠水江景。作为香港新世界集团旗下的优质服务式公寓品牌,项目包含200多套户型多样、面积88-835平米的一房到五房服务式公寓,带有大观景露台的不同户型,足不出户即可尽享绿色健康的放氧生活。尊享廣粵會8000平米顶级私人会所,坐拥近3000平米城市空中园林及国际化商圈配套,尽享休闲放松的城市绿洲体验。 |