LEH Foshan October Events at a Glance 佛山霍利斯十月精彩活动预告 - LEH International School Foshan 佛山霍利斯外籍人员子女学校LEH Foshan October Events at a Glance 佛山霍利斯十月精彩活动预告
LEH International School Foshan is delighted to bring you this article, brimming with anticipation as we announce the upcoming October events. The best part? These events are open to the public! So, make sure to mark your calendar, and we are looking forward to meeting you soon! 佛山霍利斯外籍人员子女学校很高兴给大家预告学校在10月份即将举办的一系列精彩活动,而且这些活动都是对校外家庭开放的!欢迎大家联系我们报名参加,期待与您见面交流!
20 OCT University Fair 14:30-17:30, on Campus 升学展 名校面对面 14:30-17:30 佛山霍利斯校园
21 OCT Prep School Open Day 9:00-12:00, on Campus 预备部校园开放日 9:00-12:00 佛山霍利斯校园
20 OCT Piano Recital 16:00-17:00, on Campus 梁维芝女士 钢琴独奏音乐会 16:00-17:00 佛山霍利斯校园
24 OCT Teacher's Talk - Prep School Curriculum 16:00-17:00, on Campus 16:00-17:00 佛山霍利斯校园
27 OCT Lunchtime Concert 13:15-13:45, on Campus 午间音乐会 13:15-13:45 佛山霍利斯校园
28 OCT Secondary School Open Day 9:00-12:00, on Campus 中学部校园开放日 9:00-12:00 佛山霍利斯校园
Click to know more 点击了解更多 (超链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/t1qyTUPjWGbLGzSFzYUrTg)
Contact Us Tel: 0757-2992 8101 Email: admissions@leh-foshan.cn Address: 26 Jingping Road, Chancheng, Foshan
联系我们 电话:0757-2992 8101 邮件:admissions@leh-foshan.cn 地址:佛山市禅城区景平路26号 |