BritCham serves as a platform for our members to promote updates, events, promotion, etc. We have multiple channels on different platforms. If you are a corporate member and would like to release any news and updates, please kindly contact us via your membership services manager.

  • 会员专享双重福利!广州斐特思公学累计最高32万创校奖学金+超15万会员专享礼包!- Fettes College Guangzhou 广州斐特思公学

    百年公学,塔尖教育百年名校。Fettes College海外唯一校区广州斐特思公学将于今年9月正式开学。作为广东英国商会的资深会员,广州斐特思公学感恩回馈英商会会员,入读广州斐特思公学尊享双重福利。在从幼儿园至高中累计最高32万元“创校奖学金”基础上,现特面向商会会员子女提供创校前3年赠送累计最高价值超15万“餐费+住宿费+校服减免”

  • Residence G's Room Package – Save More on Last Minute Deals - Residence G 深圳G公寓

    Do you prefer the spontaneity of a last-minute travel, enjoying the rush and excitement of encounters with the unexpected and unplanned? Should you live in Shenzhen and decide on an impromptu romantic and opulent evening and regardless of your reason, Residence G has an offer made just for you! 您喜欢随心所欲的说走就走的旅行吗?享受匆忙旅途的同时还会与意外带来的兴奋相遇!如果您住在深圳,期待享受一个即兴浪漫而富丽堂皇的夜晚,无问西东,G公寓都会为您提供最合适的优惠!

  • 端午粽子推广 Glutinous Rice Dumplings Promotion - China Hotel 中国大酒店

    端午佳节,好事接“粽”而来,中国大酒店推出多款用料上乘、制作精良的端午粽子礼盒套装。秉承匠人之心,传承传统制作工艺,馅料口感丰富,飘香回甘。新鲜碧绿的荷叶和粽叶包裹着食物的材料,清香扑鼻而来,叶子香味相互渗透到粽里,清香满溢。御珍端午礼盒包含10只不同口味的精美粽子,送礼自食皆宜,每套仅售228元。即日起至6月20日扫描二维码即可购买。提货及购买地点:酒店四季厅及大堂商店·忆预订或垂询,请致电:020-8666 6888转2106 或 18126866761 杨小姐Dragon Boat Festival is coming. It’s time for glutinous rice dumplin

  • DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL CELEBRATIONS AT THE PARK 广州柏悦酒店推出纯手工飘香端午粽 - Park Hyatt Guangzhou 广州柏悦酒店

    Celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with Park Hyatt Guangzhou, where traditional homemade rice dumplings and an exquisite gift pack have been prepared for this special occasion. The rice dumpling gift pack is available from May 30 to June 25, 2020, priced at CNY 328 per pack. Please reserve in advance at +86-20-3769 1234.

  • EnerGy Membership Summer Offers G式健身初夏特惠! - Residence G 深圳G公寓

    It’s May and that means Shenzhen’s summer weather is already in full swing. Now’s the time to put in the sweat for that summer physique you promised yourself for your New Year’s Resolution.


  • 中国大酒店扒房 Prime@ China Hotel

    中国大酒店扒房 扒房以手工烤制的扒类、和牛、汉堡、意粉、海鲜及甜品最为闻名。提供舒适优雅的用餐环境及高品质的服务,并设有户外用餐区域,可一边饱览池畔美景及最具广州味道的夕阳,一边享受盘中珍馐。以优质的食材和创新的菜品打动您的味蕾。PRIME offers an exceptional and contemporary dining experience in a classic setting. The restaurant’s menu features high quality beef, ocean fresh fish and seafood as well as modern dishes crafted with market fresh ingredients.

  • 中国大酒店扒房 Prime@ China Hotel

    中国大酒店扒房 扒房以手工烤制的扒类、和牛、汉堡、意粉、海鲜及甜品最为闻名。提供舒适优雅的用餐环境及高品质的服务,并设有户外用餐区域,可一边饱览池畔美景及最具广州味道的夕阳,一边享受盘中珍馐。臻享久违的味道,用美味治愈漫长的等待,以优质的食材和创新的菜品打动您的味蕾。臻·午餐套餐上线微商城,每位仅需108元,扫描二维码即可购买。英国商会会员更享特别优惠,享用扒房精致午餐仅需88元/位, 夏日打卡下午茶38元/位。营业时间:早餐:07:30 - 10:00午餐:12:00 - 14:30下午茶:14:30 - 17:00地点:广州中国大酒店四楼预

  • Special Room and Dining Promotions from China Hotel, Guangzhou

    囤满惊喜,优享美好,全面开启丰盛满足的五月。各款房间及餐饮套餐热售中,享多重优惠回馈。We are proud to present several special Room and Dining promotions to enhance your experience. We hope you can enjoy this May with happiness and abundance.餐饮钜惠,华丽返场Food and Beverage Special Promotions『一盅两件配壹粽两件』品尝悠悠粽香,好事接“粽”而来,赏味粤式点心的精心匠心,共度美味小“食”光『四季厅早茶点心28选3』组合『一粽两件精品』一粽两件精品包含『传统裹蒸粽』1只及『红豆西米粽』2只微商城优惠价:

  • A relaxing and fun family day celebrating all Mothers with Liberty Brunch - Residence G Shenzhen 深圳G公寓

    A relaxing and fun family day celebrating all Mothers with Liberty Brunch!10th May 2020 Sunday, 11am - 4pm208+RMB/adult and 68+RMB/kid (4-10 years old)Additional 88+RMB/adult for free flow of ClubHouse wineComplimentary free flow ClubHouse wine for all moms and swimming pool access for the whole family!Scan the flyer QR code and RSVP by 9th May 2020

  • Capri by Fraser Shenzhen Latest promotional activities

    Capri by Fraser Shenzhen is located at the heart of Yantian District, within a mix of corporate offices, shopping malls and transportation options.It has total 184 rooms various from Studio and One bedroom apartments equipped with modern design and kitchen facilities for premier room type.The most impressive facility is our infinity swimming pool at 45A floor overlook beautiful Dapeng Bay attracted many guests from all over China and overseas to take memorable pictures at poolside.It is great op

  • Innovation & Business Park Shenzhen Galaxy World - Galaxy Industry Group 星河产业集团

    Dear British Chamber Members,Discover benefits of setting up your local offices and RD headquarters in Shenzhen Galaxy World Innovation Business Park. Our project already has over 700 companies settled in, including Global Fortune 500, famous European, American, British brands.No matter you are startup or established company, we have all types of spaces available like traditional offices, co-working and even incubator spaces where you can also register WFOE.Proximity to Futian CBD, Hong Kong K

  • 线上开放日,大咖带您“云”探校 - Yew Wah International School 耀华国际学校



  • 广州深圳商用物业市场回顾与展望 - Savills 第一太平戴维斯


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