British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong welcomes British companies to join the business delegation attending the China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) 2017 in Xiamen, China’s top investment promotion event, to meet government officials and join seminars to connect to Chinese companies from all over China.
Delegates to join the visit will be able to
- Expand their brand across this important region in South-East China;
- Build relationships at the top of government;
- Meet Chinese companies from sectors related to the Belt and Road initiative.
Agen■Sunday 17th September, Xiamen
- Arrival and reception Dinner
■Monday 18th September, Xiamen
- CIFIT opening ceremony
- Government calls with Southern provinces (Guangdong, Hainan, Jiangxi, etc.)
■Tuesday 19th September, Xiamen
- Government calls with Southern provinces/Xiamen districts (Fujian, Guangxi, etc.)
- Belt and Road Initiative: Cooperation and Opportunities
Opening Speeches by Xiamen Government, CBBC
To promote the trade and capacity cooperation in Belt and Road countries and advocate new international economic cooperation mode
New UK-China cooperation mode under the Belt and Road Initiative
New cooperation mode of World Trade Centers under the Belt and Road Initiative
Panel Discussion: Financing, Overseas Secondment and Risk Management for Belt and Road Projects
Date: September 18-19th, 2017
Time: 14:00-17:30
Price: FREE for Members /Non-Members: RMB 2,000
(Members need only pay for their own airfare and hotel accommodation)
Venue: Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center 厦门国际会展中心
Reserve your seat via email to britchamteam@britchamgd.com or call (020) 8331 5013