Free Booth Opportunity on The 3rd Canton Cup活动概要 British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong would like to invite you to share our booth at the upcoming The 3rd Canton cup. The 3rd Canton Cup will be held on October 21, 2017 at the Xin’an Sports. The event organizer has provided us with a 5 Food & Beverage booths to sell special foods. For BritCham members in Hospitality, those who want to join our BritCham booth, please contact us ASAP as the booth space is limited. 在即将到来的第三届广粤杯上,广东英国商会诚邀我商会会员于本活动摊位销售商品。本次广粤杯将于10月21号在新安体育馆举行。广粤杯为我们免费提供了5个餐饮摊位,用于现场销售食品。由于摊位空间有限,英商会餐饮类会员如欲加入我们的摊位,请尽快与我们联系. 活动详情 The 3rd Canton Cup is a big football event gathering almost all the International schools in Guangzhou. Children of 8-10 year old from all over the world compete for their school and have great fun in the games full of love, friendship, rivalry and mutual communication. 一个召集广州国际学校参与的足球盛会,一个8-10岁的小朋友出征,在足球赛场上演绎一场关于爱,关于友谊,关于拼搏,关于来自世界各地的孩子们通过足球进行交流的年度大赛。
自2015年举办以来,今年已经迎来了第三届广粤杯。前两届的广粤杯各大媒体都有报道,国际学校校长更是热情欢迎,富力主教练在访谈时也对广粤杯竖起了大拇指。 参赛队伍 报名: 有意者请发送邮件至britchamteam@britchamgd.com 或致电020-8331 5013 |