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The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong Executive Committee Nominations 2024




The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong Executive Committee Nominations


The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong (BritCham GD) is one of the most active overseas business chambers in Guangdong. Adopting the motto 'Joining the Dots,' BritCham GD promotes, shares, and connects its members through over 50 networking events annually for its 150 corporate members. With the Greater Bay Area shaping the region's future, understanding its impact on local British businesses will be a key focus.


Call for Nominations

As announced by the Executive Committee (ExCo) and in line with our bylaws, nominations for the next Executive Committee elections will be open from September 9th and will close at 16:00 on September 18th, 2024. Late nominations will not be accepted.


If you’re interested in joining the Executive Committee, please scan the QR code below or click here and submit the Nomination Form by the deadline.



What is the Executive Committee?

The Executive Committee (ExCo) of the British Chamber serves as our board, consisting of 10 elected members who meet regularly to make decisions regarding the Chamber's strategy, finances, and activities. The ExCo is essential to the Chamber's operation and success, working closely with the Chamber's permanent staff.


The Executive Committee Structure

There are 10x Executive Committee positions available for nomination, which are:


BritCham GD Executive Committee Structure

Chairman   (x 1)

Vice   Chairman (x 1)

Treasurer   (x 1)

Committee   Member (7)


How do I stand for nomination?

Only current BritCham Guangdong members are entitled to be nominated. Each member company can have one “nominated person” who is the main point of contact with the Chamber.

Current fully paid-up corporate and personal members can stand as Committee Members or Treasurer.

To stand as the Chairman or Vice-Chairman you must have already served on the ExCo, been part of a Working Group, or been a long-standing member.

For full details of what is expected of each role, please refer to below Executive Committee Roles & Responsibilities. To stand for a position on the Executive Committee, please complete the Nomination Form.



2024 Election Schedule


9th   September (Mon)

Election   Announced & Nominations Open

18th   September (Wed)

Nominations Close (by 16:00)

19th   September (Thur)

Candidates Announced – profiles   distributed to members

26th   September (Thur)

A physical AGM is held if there be more nomination   than open seats. Run Down would be

-            Candidate   Pitches

-            Election   Voting Opens

-            Votes   Counted

-            Results   Declared

27th   September (Fri)

New   BritCham GD Executive Committee announced to all members





By the appointment of the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong, all Committee members shall fulfil the roles below. These roles outline how Executive Committee members shall conduct business and carry out their duties. Kindly note that Executive Committee meetings take place one monthly either in-person in Guangzhou with remote dial-in as an option, or fully virtual using MS Teams.


Objectives of the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong - "Joining the dots":

Ÿ   To promote trade/investment between the United Kingdom and China (Guangdong in particular)

Ÿ   To engage Chamber Members via business and social events

Ÿ   To assist Chamber Members with business development

Ÿ   To act as a platform in Guangdong for the benefit of all relevant stakeholders


1. Committee Chairman

a) Supervise the Chamber and support the staff.

b) Represent the Chamber at meetings and events when required to do so.

c) Chair the monthly Committee meetings.

d) Assign roles and responsibilities to Committee members

e) Manage committee members in their roles, including dismissal of members should members:

• show non-committal behaviours to the Executive Committee role

• acts and/or behaviours in a non-professional manner that is disruptive to running of the Chamber & associated activates

• misrepresents BritCham GD in any way that causes reputational or material damage, or brings the BritCham GD brand into disrepute


2. Committee Vice Chairman

a) Report directly to the Chairman

b) Support the Chairman in carrying out his/her duties

c) Assume the responsibilities and duties of the Chairman in his/her absence


3. Treasurer

a) Exercise supervision over the financial affairs of the Chamber

b) Prepare and present the annual financial reports and budgets of the Chamber, coordinate the efforts of the auditors appointed by the Committee

c) Coordinate the establishment and implementation of procedures and standards for the orderly conduct of the financial affairs of the Chamber

d) Supervise the Executive Manager in the maintenance of the financial records of the Chamber


4. Committee Members

a) Report directly to the Committee Chairman

b) Support the Chairman and Vice Chairman in carrying out their duties

c) Assume an assigned role within the Committee






The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong Committee election takes place each 2-year under the authority of the BritCham Guangdong Byelaws.


Ÿ   Nominations will be open to BritCham Guangdong Members for a period of 10 days. Representatives of member companies may apply for one or more of the positions available. Any nominations received after the deadline will not be accepted

Ÿ   Any member may nominate for ExCo or Treasurer positions

Ÿ   Chairman and Vice-Chairman can only be nominated for by current or previous ExCo Members, current members of BritCham Guangdong Working Groups, or long-standing members who have contributed a lot to the Chamber.

Ÿ   After the close of nominations, the candidates standing for each position will be announced throughout Guangdong. Any contested positions will be determined by voting.

The election result will be declared on the next day after the close of voting (if any). 



Office Tel: 

+86 181 2429 3491

Email: communications@britchamsouthchina.org


2201B, International Finance Centre, No.5 Zhujiang West Road, Guangzhou, PRC

Copyright @ British Chamber of Commerce South China, 2013 - 2025

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